
All content on Orangecityz is the exclusive property of Orangecityz and is protected by copyright law. Any reproduction or copying of our content without explicit permission is strictly prohibited.

The images featured on Orangecityz belong to their respective copyright owners and are used with proper permissions. Additionally, some images are sourced from the internet and are believed to be in the public domain.

While we frequently accompany our articles with images sourced from the web and social media, we make no claim of ownership over them. We fully recognize that these images are the intellectual property of their rightful owners. In an effort to credit the creators, we often provide links to their profiles or include captions beneath the images that direct readers to their respective social media profiles.

If, at any point, you believe that there has been a violation of copyright associated with an image featured on Orangecityz, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We kindly request that you provide detailed evidence to substantiate your claim. Upon verification, we will promptly remove the disputed image.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
